Picking the Words for Greek Typing
Last week, we launched greektyping.com to help people get better at typing Greek. Aurélien Berra asked what the method of choosing words to type was so I thought I’d write a blog post about it.
A Tour of Greek Morphology: Part 45
Part forty-five of a tour through Greek inflectional morphology to help get students thinking more systematically about the word forms they see (and maybe teach a bit of general linguistics along the way).
I’ve revived an old web application to help people practice typing Ancient Greek.
Part forty-four of a tour through Greek inflectional morphology to help get students thinking more systematically about the word forms they see (and maybe teach a bit of general linguistics along the way).
Part forty-three of a tour through Greek inflectional morphology to help get students thinking more systematically about the word forms they see (and maybe teach a bit of general linguistics along the way).
Lemmatization for the Morphological Lexicon
As I slowly expand my plans for a Morphological Lexicon of New Testament Greek to a Morphological Lexicon of Ancient Greek, I’m dealing with extra challenges in lemmatization.
A Tour of Greek Morphology: Part 42
Part forty-two of a tour through Greek inflectional morphology to help get students thinking more systematically about the word forms they see (and maybe teach a bit of general linguistics along the way).
Tool Updates
I have made a minor update to
, a more significant update tovocabulary-tools
, and have started a new projectpostag-convert
for converting between various morphosyntactic tagging schemes.加速啦加速器官网
Part forty-one of a tour through Greek inflectional morphology to help get students thinking more systematically about the word forms they see (and maybe teach a bit of general linguistics along the way).
Tolkien, Sonnenschein and Language Learning
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Vanessa Gorman's Lemmatisation Now in vocabulary-tools
Last year I started the Python library vocabulary-tools to consolidate the various scripts I’ve written over the years to analyse vocabulary in (particularly New Testament) texts. I’ve just added support for the vocabulary in Vanessa Gorman’s treebanks.
A Tour of Greek Morphology: Part 40
Part forty of a tour through Greek inflectional morphology to help get students thinking more systematically about the word forms they see (and maybe teach a bit of general linguistics along the way).
Working with the Diorisis Ancient Greek Corpus
I’ve recently started working on cleaning up the Diorisis Ancient Greek Corpus for my own vocabulary and morphology work as well as potential use in Scaife.
Part thirty-nine of a tour through Greek inflectional morphology to help get students thinking more systematically about the word forms they see (and maybe teach a bit of general linguistics along the way).
A Tour of Greek Morphology: Part 38
Part thirty-eight of a tour through Greek inflectional morphology to help get students thinking more systematically about the word forms they see (and maybe teach a bit of general linguistics along the way).
A Tour of Greek Morphology: Part 37
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A Tour of Greek Morphology: Part 36
Part thirty-six of a tour through Greek inflectional morphology to help get students thinking more systematically about the word forms they see (and maybe teach a bit of general linguistics along the way).
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Part thirty-five of a tour through Greek inflectional morphology to help get students thinking more systematically about the word forms they see (and maybe teach a bit of general linguistics along the way).
Part thirty-four of a tour through Greek inflectional morphology to help get students thinking more systematically about the word forms they see (and maybe teach a bit of general linguistics along the way).
A Tour of Greek Morphology: Part 33
Part thirty-three of a tour through Greek inflectional morphology to help get students thinking more systematically about the word forms they see (and maybe teach a bit of general linguistics along the way).